Queensland Disaster Management Lexicon


  Queensland Disaster Management Lexicon    Image of Lexicon cover

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The Queensland Disaster Management Lexicon (the Lexicon) establishes a resource for common language within the Queensland disaster management sector. The Lexicon promotes a shared situational awareness during events, contextualised to Queensland's disaster management arrangements.

This shared languages enables a greater degree of interoperability across State and federal agencies, local councils and non-government organisations involved in all phases of disaster management in Queensland.

The Lexicon aims to not only provide a clear definition for terms used across the disaster management sector, but also clarify the relationship between similar terms used. Further examples can be found using the links below.

Sheltering terms



  • Australian Red Cross
  • Brisbane City Council
  • Department of Communities, Child Safety and Disability Services
  • Department of Health
  • Griffith University
  • Ipswich City Council
  • Local Government Association of Queensland
  • Queensland Fire and Emergency Services
  • Queensland Police Service
  • Queensland Reconstruction Authority
  • Queensland University of Technology
Last Updated: 25 May 2022